- Technical development of Stainless Steel Super-laminate Embo Coover
- Localization of the Silica parts that the sound absorption, heat insulation, sound insulation, heat-resisting material was strengthened
- Modularization assembly technology: Differentiation of exhaust gas system modules to make them offer optimal capabilities by utilizing sound absorption thermal insulation material parts and assembling them.
- Development of the materials that sound absorption, sound insulation, heat-resistance, heat insulation, the prevention of violation, heat insulation, and durability are guaranteed.
- Production and manufacturing technology hot forming materials by using molds.
- Molding method to form raw materials by utilizing each binder
- Modularization assembly technology by utilizing molded parts
- Test and evaluation for verifying products
Company: SAMWOO EP|Owner: Jeong ho Hong|Company Number: 503-86-12936
A. 42982 429, Nongongjungang-ro, Nongong-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, Korea (BollI 29-122)
T. +82-53-607-3000 F. +82-53-614-8115
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